Gaute Holthe, 3 paddle strokes into the lower Rauma.
I've been here in Norway since the end of May now, and have been on the water almost every day since then. There's plenty more to come, but I thought I'd start with a couple of photos of yesterday's trip to the Lower Rauma.
The Rauma is a classic Norwegian pool drop river, consisting of big drops into big pools. The lower section consists of 9 or so drops, varying from big scary and difficult, to bigger scarier and more difficult. The first two waterfalls are two of the most incredible runnable drops you will see anywhere, partly because they both have even more spectacular unrunable waterfalls (the two branches of the Ulvåa) right next to them.
Ulvåa meets Rauma. Photos simply don't do it Justice. Drop 1 can be seen top left.
As It turned out, due to the massive amount of water still coming down the Ulvåa, the Rauma below the confluence was a touch on the high side. This, combined with the thick cloud coverage,
heavy rain, and general tiredness of the group aided in our
decision to quit whilst we were ahead and
come back with better levels and better weather.
It is, however, well worth getting on just for the first two drops alone.
Yours truly, on the lip of number 2.
Dave Carroll rocks the put on slide.
Slide Number 1 from below.
Stay tuned for more Norwegian action, coming soon.